Can The Steam Deck Run Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart?

Can The Steam Deck Run Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart?

Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart brings one of PlayStation’s best franchises to the PC. Of course it’ll be great to see this run on a powerful PC at 4K with Ray Tracing. But we’re here to see how the Steam Deck handles Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart

The Steam Deck, being a handheld gaming device that aims to provide a PC gaming experience, faces several challenges in achieving optimal performance for PC games. One of the main hurdles is hardware limitations. While the Steam Deck boasts impressive specifications, such as a custom AMD APU, it still falls short of the raw power and capabilities of high-end gaming PCs. This means that some demanding AAA titles might require graphical compromises or lower framerates to run smoothly on the device. Additionally, managing thermal performance in a handheld form factor is challenging, as intense gaming sessions can generate significant heat, potentially impacting overall performance over extended periods. Another obstacle is game optimization; PC games are not always designed with handheld devices in mind, leading to potential compatibility issues or inefficient resource utilization. Furthermore, the wide variety of hardware configurations on PC presents a challenge for game developers to ensure consistent performance across all devices. Despite these challenges, the Steam Deck’s promising hardware and Valve’s dedication to fine-tuning the user experience could lead to significant strides in handheld PC gaming, making it an exciting prospect for gamers seeking a portable gaming solution.