Drunken Master Paul goes back to his roots as a hungry, cheap-ass, gamer chef with the latest episode of Gamer Eats! It’s +4 Power Up Pockets! Just the thing to get a drunken strung out weirdo through a marathon Time Splitters weekend.
Best Hard Rock Albums of the 70s
Mrs. Metal Jesus joins me for a very special music episode, where we reminisce about our favorite Hard Rock albums of the 1970s. And when we say “albums”, yes we mean big, black and beautiful vinyl. Music is a big part of our lives and this is a nice deviation this week from video games. We hope you like it!
Atari 2600 SuperCharger Add-on – MOAR POWER!
The Starpath SuperCharger was a powerful add-on for the Atari 2600 that allowed games to be loaded from cassette with better graphics and deeper gameplay. The Immortal John Hancock shows us all the games for it plus much more.
80s Hair Metal Bands
80s Hair Metal, Glam Rock & Pop Metal bands sure used a lot of hair spray & played a lot of widdly widdly guitar! But that’s why we loved it. The Metal Jesus & his wife Bukin’ Bekki show you some of their favorite 80s Hair metal bands from their youth gone wild.
10 Best Activision games for Atari 2600
Activision made some of the BEST Atari 2600 games & here is my Top 10 Favorites! What other 2600 game developers did you also enjoy? Imagic, Parker Bros, Froggo, etc…
3DS eShop Hidden Gems
The 3DS eShop is a busy place for popular Nintendo franchises as well as cool indie games. I cut through the clutter to recommend 10 eShop Hidden Gems for your 3DS handheld!
Games Shown:
Gunman Clive
AiRace Speed & Xeno
Liberation Maiden
Monster Shooter
The Starship Damrey
SteamWorld Dig: A Fistful of Dirt
Aqua Moto Racing 3D
Mighty Switch Force! 2
Undead Bowling
Top 10 Xbox 360 Games – All Time
Over 1,700 games were released for the Xbox 360, so how do you come up with a Top 10 of All-Time?! Metal Jesus attempts this mammoth task to bring you his epic list.
How to Catalog Your Games – Software
Every serious gamer wants a good solution for cataloging their game collection. But which site or application should you choose? I demo 6 of the most popular methods of organizing your game collection and show you the Pros & Cons of each.
Metal Jesus GUITAR Collection – Axes of Evil
I show you my 4 main guitars that I write music & play live gigs with. If you want to see my ROCK LIVE with my band, watch this video:
Sega Saturn Games – HIDDEN GEMS
Anna (@Circuits_Coffee) helps come up with domestic & import Sega Saturn Hidden Gems for Game collectors.