10 Nintendo Switch games that got physical releases you may have MISSED!


Here are 10 Nintendo Switch games that recently got physical releases that might have gone unnoticed. Most are still available at Amazon, Gamestop & other retailers.

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
Evoland: Legendary Edition
Everspace: Stellar Edition
Baldur’s Gate I & II / Planescape Torment & Icewind Dale (Enhanced Editions)
Sniper Elite III: Ultimate Edition
The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors
GRIP: Combat Racing – AirBlades vs Rollers Ultimate Edition
Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince

Does Backwards compatibility & HD rereleases affect $$$ value?

Do you think Backwards compatibility and HD rereleases are lowering the dollar value of the older consoles and games? Also, is dollar value or personal value more important to you in your collection?

Kinsey: https://www.youtube.com/kinseyburke
Reggie: https://www.youtube.com/icon770
Kelsey: https://www.youtube.com/kelseylewin
Paul: https://www.youtube.com/DrunkenMasterPaul
John Riggs: https://www.youtube.com/riggstalgic
John Hancock https://www.youtube.com/swlovinist
MJR Twitter: http://twitter.com/MetalJesusRocks

Obscure PC Engine Shumps Worth Revisiting

The PC Engine was a successful console in Japan that offered a diverse library of games. One popular category of games that the PC Engine thrived on was classic shooters, also known as “shumps”. Although the US market received some of these games with the TG16, many were not offered in the states. In this video, I take a glance at some of the more obscure and decent shumps the PC Engine had that we never got here in the states. Do you have a favorite obscure shooter?