Tag Archives: books
Review of RAD PLASTIC book retrospective of TMNT toys from 1987-1999
High Anxiety – Brandon reviews RAD PLASTIC, a coffee table book retrospective of (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) TMNT toys from 1987-1999
We Dare: Semper Paratus: An Anthology of the Apocalypse (BOOK)
Jamie Ibson – My latest anthology, We Dare: Semper Paratus came out in August. It’s an all-too-unfortunately-timed, but well-written anthology focused on Survivors of the Apocalypse (Apocalypse may vary by region and timeline). Aliens, zombies, Y2K, nuclear exchange, shadow fey, or just plain deadly shadow wraiths… Lots of different stories, and lots of different people fighting back against catastrophe, saying “Not Yet”.
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FQY6QFD/ref=rdr_kindle_ext_tmb
SEGA VS. NINTENDO, Console Wars Book Review FEAT. SmashJT, Papa Pete, OEB_Pete, PK, and Retro Tony!
NerdCrave – Console Wars is an epic work of non-fiction that reads more like a novel. It covers the hotly contested battle between Sega and Nintendo for the top spot in the 16-bit console wars. This book follows Tom Kalinske, President of Sega of America through Sega’s rise to power in the early 1990’s I asked several friends to come on the channel and “weigh-in” on the ULTIMATE DEBATE. were they team Sega or Team Nintendo?
The Rise And Fall Of Barnes & Noble
Before Amazon challenged Barnes & Noble the brick-and-mortar bookseller was one of the most prolific American chains during the twentieth century.
Its sales have been in a decline for six years as the bookseller cedes market share to Amazon and consumers turn to their phones or portable tablets instead of books. There’s been a revolving door in the retailer’s C-suite, and activist investors have piled on. Now, Barnes & Noble is considering a sale of its business after receiving interest from a handful of parties, including its so-called modern-day founder and executive chairman, Leonard Riggio, and reportedly, U.K. retailer W.H. Smith.
Barnes & Noble must prove it can deliver sales growth in its core book business this holiday season. The retail industry as a whole is expected to benefit from strong consumer spending, with the average American household expected to spend $1,536 through the holidays, according to a survey by Deloitte. That’s up 25 percent from a year ago. If Barnes & Noble can’t grow sales against such a healthy, economic backdrop, the company could ultimately head down the same path as its former rival Borders, or shuttered Toys R Us or Sears, which is in bankruptcy court.
About CNBC: From ‘Wall Street’ to ‘Main Street’ to award winning original documentaries and Reality TV series, CNBC has you covered. Experience special sneak peeks of your favorite shows, exclusive video and more.
The Dude who took these popular Wikipedia photos…. wrote this book!
Author info: https://twitter.com/vanamomedia — Buy the book here: https://amzn.to/2FhgHVG (affiliate link)
I reached out to Evan Amos a few years ago, privately thanking him for the contribution he has made to the gaming community and yet goes largely unnoticed. Most people don’t realize that in order to have his photos on Wikipedia, he essentially has to give them away…which most professional photographers would never do! So I was GLAD to review and help promote his book to my audience!
20 Video Game BOOKS Reviewed – Guides & Novels for Retro Collectors!
Books Shown (w/ Amazon Affiliate links):
This Be Book Bad Translation, Video Games
Legends of Localization – http://amzn.to/2zymler
Classic Home Video Games 1989-1990 : http://amzn.to/2y1fp8c
The 100 Greatest Console Video Games 1977-1987 : http://amzn.to/2yJhY2i
Ultimate Nintendo Guide to the NES Library – http://amzn.to/2zx5Qze
The Complete SNES
Super Nintendo Compendium
Worlds of Power: Metal Gear – http://amzn.to/2zyorei
Worlds of Power: Ninja Gaiden – http://amzn.to/2y0U3wN
Worlds of Power: Wizards & Warriors
Worlds of Power: Castlevania II – http://amzn.to/2yJvxyI
Worlds of Power: Bases Loaded II
Worlds of Power: Mega Man 2
Worlds of Power: Blaster Master
Worlds of Power: Bionic Commando
Worlds of Power: Before Shadowgate
Worlds of Power: Infiltrator
Artcade – http://amzn.to/2yMFX1g
Art of Atari – http://amzn.to/2h4eKNT
Power-Up – http://amzn.to/2yJYbzU
Coleco The Official Book – http://amzn.to/2h3AGZa
TurboGrafx-16 Turbochip
Unofficial NES/Famicom Compendium – http://amzn.to/2yK4vrh
Hardcore Gaming 101: Sega Arcade Classics – http://amzn.to/2yLKmkW
Hardcore Gaming 101: Data East Arcade Classics – http://amzn.to/2yK1YgE
Hardcore Gaming 101: Contra & other Konami Classics – http://amzn.to/2zxiSfO
STAR WARS Collectables w Kinsey
Kinsey & Metal Jesus talk about their favorite Star Wars collectables: toys, clothing, books, t-shirts, posters…and Pepsi cans!?
Continue reading STAR WARS Collectables w Kinsey