Tag Archives: Music

AC/DC – Thunderstruck Guzheng Cover|Moyun

This is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a long time! Amazing!!

Description: This cover is based on Luca Stricagnoli’s guitar adaptation of Thunderstruck. After playing, I just want to say that Luca’s unicorn arm [edit: strong arm] + ruthless iron hand are indeed something I can’t easily attempt emulate… Anyway, I think my left hand is about to break . The sound engineer told me that me turning the wrench looks like driving a hand tractor… absolutely speechless! Even if it’s a tractor, are we starting in fifth gear or not?! Pity on this wrench and the floor of the piano room. They have endured too much, could be said they’ve sacrificed themselves [to the song] hahaha~ This is the second time I have tried a finger-style transplantation [edit: arrangement / transcription], and I feel to have learned a lot! I Hope I can bring y’all an even more interesting song next time~