
Worst Fighting Games

Griffo’s Retro Gaming – here are 5 of the worst fighting games of the 90’s. These games all tried to emulate and cash in on the success of Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and Tekken but failed so hard that they are doomed to be immortalised in Youtube lists like this forever. These games all feature slow gameplay, clunky controls and bland and boring characters which is seems is the recipe for a deliciously bad fighting game.

Sega Dreamcast In Pop Culture | Video Games In Popular Culture | The Retrollectors

The Retrollectors – Sega Dreamcast In Pop Culture | Video Games In Popular Culture | The Retrollectors | The Sega Dreamcast has seen advertisements in pop culture. SEGA had tried its hardest to get more and more eyes on the Dreamcast. Product placement & subliminal product placements are nothing new in marketing, especially to help push more units. SEGA used pop culture to push their newest console to the public.